Poetry 0.11.2 is out

Published on July 3, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed missing dependencies when resolving in some cases. Fixed path dependencies not working in dev-dependencies. Fixed license validation in init. (Thanks to @cauebs)

Poetry 0.11.1 is out

Published on June 29, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed an error when locking dependencies on Python 2.7.

Poetry 0.11.0 is out

Published on June 28, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
This version brings a new shell command, dependency resolver improvements and improves stability. New Features New shell command The newly introduced shell command helps you in your development workflow by placing you in the proper project environment. This way you can omit the poetry run command. Note that this command is a usability improvement and, as such, is completely optional and any current workflow using the poetry run command will still work and is still the recommended way of interacting with a Poetry project.

Poetry 0.10.3 is out

Published on June 4, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed self:update command on Windows. Fixed self:update not picking up new versions. Fixed a RuntimeError on Python 3.7. Fixed bad version number being picked with private repositories. Fixed handling of duplicate dependencies with same constraint. Fixed installation from custom repositories. Fixed setting an explicit version in version command. Fixed parsing of wildcards version constraints.

Poetry 0.10.2 is out

Published on May 31, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed handling of in environment markers with commas. Fixed a UnicodeDecodeError when an error occurs in venv. Fixed Python requirements not properly set when resolving dependencies. Fixed terminal coloring being activated even if not supported. Fixed wrong executable being picked up on Windows in poetry run. Fixed error when listing distribution links for private repositories. Fixed handling of PEP 440 ~= version constraint.

Poetry 0.10.1 is out

Published on May 28, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed packages not found for prerelease version constraints when resolving dependencies. Fixed init and add commands.

Poetry 0.10.0 is out

Published on May 28, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
This version brings a brand new dependency resolver which is more consistent, reliable and faster. New Features Brand new dependency resolver The dependency resolver has been rewritten from scratch to make it more resilient and reliable. It solves conflicts in a faster and smarter way to be as exhaustive as possible. It also comes with much clearer error messages when no valid solution can be found. Here are some examples:

Poetry 0.9.1 is out

Published on May 18, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed handling of package names with dots. (Thanks to bertjwregeer) Fixed path dependencies being resolved from the current path instead of the pyproject.toml file. (Thanks to radix)

Poetry 0.9.0 is out

Published on May 7, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
This version brings huge improvements to the dependency resolution speed. New Features Huge speed improvements in the dependency resolution process In previous releases, the dependency resolution process could be extremely slow, especially for some packages like boto3, due to the way the resolver works. So, one of the focus of this release was to improve it so that the dependency resolution time could be deemed acceptable. And it seems it paid off.

Poetry 0.8.6 is out

Published on April 30, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed config files not being created with the config command.